Thursday 17 April 2014


Gord Kurenoff Photo
Bob Rompre, one of the early members of the Langley Grovetrotters running group that promoted stress-free fun and long-lasting running relationship, is thrilled to be part of the group's relaunch that will keep people of all sizes and speeds running, laughing and training together. The group prides itself in having a number of experienced Sun Run trainers with diverse and in-depth knowledge of how to run better and, more importantly, injury-free. There is no cost to join and the one rule about Run Club is we actually talk about Run Club! Tell your friends.

By Gord Kurenoff | Vancouver Sun

FOR whatever reason this winter and spring, our normally supple Vancouver Sun Run InTraining leaders in Walnut Grove were decimated by freak injuries or nasty flu bugs.
In fact, the body count dipped so low a few weeks ago that I kindly offered — during one of our breathtaking-away morning hill climbs — to help Arian Soheili “lead” our Langley sole-mates, maybe even get to yell “loop,” hug the beautiful “twin” sisters or scream sarcastic stuff at the Sunday slackers snapping group selfies. You know, all that hypothetical stuff.
Without skipping a beat our wise and wonderful ‘Grove guru asked me to turn around and tell him what I saw.
“Uh, nothing,” I said. “Nothing at all.”
“Exactly Gord, you are at the back of our group. So who exactly would you lead?,” he barked, making sure everyone on our lightning-fast team heard his rare valid point.
As yours truly dragged my aerostatic pouting lip along the street totally devastated that I would never get to wear a tiny shiny reflective leader’s vest like Super Arian, another veteran leader offered up an enticing olive branch.
“Cheer up Gordo, maybe you can train a bit more and then eventually lead the Grovetrotters,” said Bob Rompre, a delightful dude who undoubtedly guzzles from the Fountain of Youth and looks at least 18 years younger than his 68-year-old birth certificate.
The smile returned to my face — no, not because a desire to one day lead was closer to reality, but because this wild promise was made by a grown man on a refurbished mountain bike named Huffy. You just can’t make this stuff up.
Then, just as I was about to get a tad cocky, he added: “All we need is for some real, real, real slow people to come out so you can lead them.”
Yep, no wonder he and Arian are buddies, but I digress.
Thanks to Rompre, once the fun Sun Run training and the April 27th race are in the history books, the Grovetrotters will be relaunched.
The Langley man, married to Sun Run walking coach Renee Poley, was in tech sector marketing and sales for most of his adult life. On the advice of Renee he got back into running to get in shape and expand his social network.
He was part of the original Grovetrotters — still has the neat shirt designed by Kathy Wainright — and to this day runs into many of the original members, a lot of them like Mike and Rita Paine he still considers good friends.
His decision to reboot the free, drop-in running group that focuses on fun, fitness and friendships, was inspired by this winter’s Sun Run InTraining group.
“For a lot of different reasons, that was the most fun I’ve had in a long time and a lot of the people want to keep it going, so the timing is right,” said Rompre. “We plan to run Sunday mornings, Tuesday and Thursday nights.”
Rompre says a lot of people training for mudders, summer 10Ks, half- and full marathons will be out running with the group, and he hopes they bring their friends.
“The more the merrier, for sure. We’ll use the ‘no-man/woman-left-behind’ philosophy perfected by the Sun Run training sessions and make sure everyone feels part of this group.”
The Grovetrotters will also include a number of experienced runners, including Sun Run trainers, so the resources should prove helpful for beginners and people who need to remain motivated during the warm, barbecue-friendly summer months.
“It really does go in waves. People get really motivated, they do a lot of running, and then for whatever reason go away for a while. But many come back. Once you get the running bug it’s hard to stay away forever.”
Rompre, who has helped lead in half of the Sun Run clinics in Langley, became infamous for one incident helping newbies tackle hills.
In conducting interval training, Rompre decided to run up one hill backwards while yelling instructions to the runners. He didn’t notice a vehicle behind him and, upon contact, lost his balance, nearly bust his right hand and landed with a thud on the vehicle. He got an instant “grill tattoo” across his chest that took several weeks to heal. He affectionately became known as Isuzu Bob.
The other thing about Rompre that should be shared, especially given his “oh-so-kind” promise to let me lead the snails and slugs in his group, is that he was the original voice of “Garbage Gus,” a hand puppet used to teach school children about recycling and the environment.
So yes, my hopes to one day lead a running group now hinge on a 68-year-old man who rides a bike named Huffy and whose claim to fame is being a hired gun for a freakin’ puppet show!
So, good luck to everyone in next week’s Sun Run, and if you live anywhere near Langley, check out the Grovetrotters for a free run, lots of fun and who knows, maybe a photo-op with Huffy and friendly chat with Garbage Gus! And please bring your real, real, real slow friends, too. Just saying!
Stay happy and healthy.
Gotta run …

Gord Kurenoff photo
Bob Rompre added some humour to a training run at Derby Reach
 Regional Park when he pulled out  his trusty timing device, no doubt
from the same box he keeps his 8-track tapes and pet rocks!

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